Saturday, June 11, 2011

Ringtail Lemur

My daughter is away at the Governor's School for the Arts for a few weeks (a summer college program for high school kids), so we are dropping things in the mail to her. When she was very young, she loved Ringtail Lemurs, so I thought she might enjoy this one, too.

As you can see, I scanned front and back so you can see the tail wrap around both sides.

It's mixed media: marker, acrylic & colored pencil.


  1. Love it! People are going to think her dad is the coolest, and they are right!

  2. SO cute...and thoughtful. I hope my daughters have access to such a program in the not too distant future.

  3. Thanks for raising the bar, Tim. My daughter will be expecting one from me now. LOL

  4. I prefer making postcards. You can even buy pre-stamped ones from the post office and draw on the other side. The paper is very poor quality for watercolors and too thin for markers, but pencils work just fine!
    This one was on a scrap of cardboard backing.
    By the way, I just found out that postcard postage just went up another penny. It's 29¢ now.

  5. I love the design of this piece. The characters has a great expression too.
