Sunday, July 15, 2012

Ernie, Anna & Andrea

 More with the Pentel Pocket brush...


  1. Love that pen! I ordered one a while back, and can't get enough of it. Then a couple weeks ago, I saw one for $5 at a craft store. Last one on the rack, so I nabbed it as a back up.
    But enough about tools! Great sketches! Love the tribute to Mr. Borgnine. You nailed him!

    1. Yeah, I've heard the price has dropped considerably. I held out some time due to cost, but finally plopped down the $20-30 they were a piece several years ago. Now they're closer to $10, so I think you still gotta real steal of a deal! The ink's good, too, and I love that one doesn't have to dip - no interruptions, just keep drawin'! Plus, one can switch from juicy to dry depending how you use/hold/apply it.

      Ernie's got quite a face - now I wanna draw him more, thanks!
