Friday, March 2, 2012

March 2nd! Day Two! - Jody

I used to really love Jon Stewart. If I had children, I would not want them watching him, though. He's gotten into the habit of working blue which is concerning. What else can you expect from the world though. I give him credit for being an incredibly intelligent man. He seems like he might be the same birth order wise as me in that humor is a bit familiar. I have to let up on my sarcasm these days or else people won't want their kids around me either. 


  1. Wow! Send the original to him!

  2. Agree. Wow is right. Fantastic Drawing Jody. Really nailed his look.

  3. this is incredible... jody you draw people so perfectly
    ! i love it.

  4. Real nice. Love the shading/rendering on the hand and face, especially near the eyes. SO good, Jody!

  5. Thank you! I appreciate the uplifting comments! :)
