Sunday, February 26, 2012

Character Exploration

Have no idea why I this guy came to mind but thought I would post a few multiple studies from the batch I had done. Don't have a name for let's just call him Dude for now. Ha! Hope everyone is having a great weekend.


  1. He looks like a cross between an athletic lumberjack that you would not mess with and a distinguished but sedentary gentleman that you would respect. Either way, I love the character and the chin is hilarious. Fantastic hands, once again!Thank you for showing us the progress as well, it is very impressive that you can carry a fictional characters' look so well with several sketches (as I have problems pulling that off)

  2. Dude! I love Dude! Especially that 3rd one - Wow. Just a few stylized lines suggest/capture his face/expression.
    Keep postin' up, Pablo!

  3. i loooooove these. lol if you dont already work for disney or pixar or whatever, you should.

  4. I like watching the evolution of the character as you play with shapes and proportions. Beautiful work, and fun designs!
